Thursday, December 1, 2011

Journal 59

     I almost finished my college essays. I left only two short essays because I didn’t know how to express and show my feeling in short essays. One of them should be no more than 1000 characters; the other one should not be more than 750 characters. I had no idea how to start these two. Some people felt that short essay was easier to write than long one. On the other hand, I preferred to write long essay that I was able to totally say what I want. I set a deadline for these two essays by the end of this Saturday. By the way, I supposed to take SAT reasoning test on that day, but I thought that I had to focus more on the TOEFL test. I decided not to take the December SAT. However, some people suggested me to take the test; some told me not to take. I was so confused that whether I should take the test or not. After I got some people’s suggestions, I still decided to ask Ms. Pamela. She said that TOEFL is extremely to international students, so I should focus more on it. Therefore, I won’t take SAT reasoning on this Saturday.

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