Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Journal 72

     I slept until almost nine o’clock in the morning because I went to bed at two o’clock in the morning. I felt tired today. Probably because I just came back from Hong Kong. I had four more online applications and one more envelope needed to send out. My plan was to send out all the online applications and tests score today. The result of the TOEFL test, which I took two weeks ago, was available yesterday. I was very nervous before I log in my account. I hoped that I could get at least “at least” 90 or 95. After I click the “Test Scores”, I covered the total scores fist, and then started from the writing score. OMG!!! I improved my score! Although my score was not good enough, I was glad that I did improve. Writing score was the highest; however, my reading was still weak. I chatted with three people online at the afternoon, and checked my facebook. I haven’t use my facebook for a long time. I told myself that I must finish all the applications first, and then use facebook. At night, I filled out the rest four online applications and sent them out. That was a meaningful moment in my life.

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