Monday, December 26, 2011

Journal 76

     When I woke up this morning, I was excited and nervous because today is Alumni Party. Many people who graduated from PAS would come to this party. They shared both their academic and social lives in colleges. I already bought two dresses before the part. One of them was pink; the other one was black. I wondered that which one I should wear. The pink one was shorter and looked like a party dress. The black one looked formal and I didn’t need to worry whether it was too short or not. I put on my make up first, and then tried both dresses and found out which one was more suitable. Finally, I chose the black one because the pink one was not formal enough. After I finished my make up, I went to Rachel’s house first. I was there to wait for her putting on her make up. Her dress was black too, but it was shorter than mine. Actually, Rachel’s dress was a shirt not a dress. When we arrive at Ambassador Hotel, I suddenly found that there were only few people there. Not many people came to this party, but we still had good time tonight. It was not over when the party ended because we had an after party event!

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