Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Journal 62

     I went to bed at 1:00 a.m. today, so I was very tired. Actually, I could sleep at around 12:00 p.m., but I tried to get more homework done as I could last night because we needed to stay at school to practice our Christmas performance. I had TOEFL test on the weekend again. I really hoped that this was the last time I took TOEFL test, so I must get at least 100 for the overall grade. Therefore, I found both reading and listening practices online. I did one reading passage yesterday, and I was so surprised to find that I got all the questions correct. I couldn’t believe that. For college stuffs, I just finished a short essay last night. There were still two essays which I had to work on. One was Boston University’s short essay; the other one was Michigan State University’s essay. They were be finished by the end of this week. I started the BU one today. Although I tried my best to do everything well, I still worried about whether I could get into the school which I want or not. I worried about my future. I worried about my life in college. I worried about my current school works. However, I kept telling myself that I should clam down myself and got everything done as soon as possible.

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