Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Journal 77

     Our after party was continued to this morning. I just met a person in this party. He was the person who I hadn’t seen him for a year. We hadn’t talked to each other for a long time, so when we met each other I felt that I met a stranger. I was not as familiar with him as before. Although we still could chat and talk to each other, the feeling I got was totally different from before. I told myself that at least we started to communicate and made contact with each other. This was the first time that I had a friend, who was extremely closed with me, brought me this such kind of feeling. I kept talking myself that I should think in this way because it was not that bad. We were still friends. I went home around 11:30 a.m. and I ate lunch with Esther in a 7-11 which was located at my village. I also chatted a lot. I told her about my feeling. I really wanted to stop missing him because I didn’t want to live in this way. Life must go on. I thought that it was time for me to rethink about my final decision.

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