Sunday, December 25, 2011

Journal 75

     What date is today? Today is December 25th. Today is Christmas! I wanted to go out with my friends, but everyone had different plan. Therefore, I plan to celebrate Christmas with her this year. In this morning, I did my environmental science’s homework. It was a little complicated but was not that hard. By the way, I watched a movie, Sherlock Holmes, with my family yesterday. It was so great, especially the ending part. I haven’t watched movies with my family in movie theater for a long time. I had a dinner with Rachel tonight. I invited her to a restaurant which was near my house. I took lots of pictures and had a wonderful time. She shared something of her first college life to me. I suddenly realized that even though an art student still had lots of works to do. She said that she slept only two hours or less during midterm and final term weeks. After we finished dinner, she came to my house. My parents and brother went to another restaurant, so there were only Rachel and I in my house. My parents came home later. Rachel and I chatted a lot. I really wanted to stay with her because she was the only one person who I could trust in PAS.

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