Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Journal 73

      met Esther and Rachel this afternoon. This was the first time that I met them after they came back from the States and Canada. In the morning, I continued the fill out the online applications until three o’clock at the afternoon. I felt so excited to see them because we haven’t seen each other for a long time. As a senior, I didn’t have my social life for around six months. I didn’t go to movie theater, go shopping, and hang out with my friends. Today was the first day that I went to down town during my senior year. I suddenly felt relaxed. Esther and I went to Fe21 buy the tickets. The main actress in the movie was my favorite one-Ariel Lin. She is a famous Taiwanese actress. I have known her since I watched the drama “Kiss” when I was in seventh grade. Rachel and Esther haven’t gone to Hsinchu’s down town after they came back, so they were so excited when they ate Taiwanese foods and saw the local shops. I felt that there were two crazy people around me. They kept telling me that I will be like them after I go to college next year. I really had a great time with them today.

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