Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Journal 63

     I felt not comfortable within this week because the weather was too humid. Majority floors in my house were wooden made, so I could clearly see the footprints on the ground if the weather was humid. The news said that it would be very cold this weekend. The temperature was approximately 10°c. Next week was a very busy week. Thursday was PAS’s Christmas Performance and the deadline of college application. Friday was one of the student’s events, Winter Dance. I was busy this week too because I had a TOEFL test this Saturday. I did reading and listening practices everyday in order to improve my grade. I didn’t have much homework today, so I wanted to finish BU’s short essay today. If I could, my essays might be finished by the end of this Friday. I asked Esther to edit some of my essays because I couldn’t ask for help from the teachers in PAS. My UC’s essay was edited by Esther, and its idea was approved by teacher too. Therefore, I thought that Esther was able to provide suggestions. She was good at writing that she could totally express the feelings I wanted. The reason was that maybe she studied in psychology, so she could quickly understand what I was thinking about.

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