Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Journal 78

     I didn’t wake up early in this morning because I went to bed at almost 2:00 a.m. I was skype with Rachel last night. We talked about some personal stuff. I told her my secret when she called me last night, and then she also told me that she wanted to share something with me. Therefore, we chatted online for around two hours. I hadn’t share personal stuff with my friends for a long time. Although I had some current senior friends, I was not as close with them as with Rachel. I knew her for more than five years, so we definitely understand each other. I did share some personal secrets with current friends, but I didn’t tell them all. It didn’t mean that I didn’t trust them. To me, I would only share things, which were very important to me, to some particular people. I might felt uncomfortable if I shared my personal things to too many people though they were my friends. Rachel was the person who I could trust. We both faced the same problem yesterday, but our problems were still a little different. Although she might not be the person help me to solve the problem, I felt better after I talked to her.

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