Sunday, December 4, 2011

Journal 60

     I had an environmental test on Friday last period. The test included two chapters, but I only studied one of them at Thursday night. I planned to study for the other one during Friday’s study hall period. I thought that I didn’t well prepare for this test, so I worried that I might not get a good grade. However, I just check my veracross that I got 18 out of 20. That was not bad. On Saturday, I went to school around 3:00 p.m. to do a project with Karen. Some seniors stay at school to work on their essays, but I chose not to write my essay at school because there was too noisy. I wanted to finish my homework by the end of Saturday, but I still left two. After Sports Day, I finished these two in around four hours. Yeah! Let’s talk something about today’s Sports Day. I participated in four events with my enthusiastic spirit today, 100 meter dash, 200 meters relay, legged jump, and tug of war. Relay was always my favorite event during sports day, but I preferred 100 meter relay. I couldn’t believe that I won the second place of 100 meter dash, and our team, Blue Team, won the first place of both 100 and 200 meters relay. Although our team didn’t have as strong spirit as Yellow and Green teams, I did my jobs during every activity.

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