Thursday, December 8, 2011

Journal 64

      We watched a movie in History of American Music class on last Friday and this Tuesday. The movie was talking about a famous rock and roll musician, Johnny Cash. The whole movie was directed by Johnny’s son, and the story was completely true. Before I watched this movie, I had no idea who was Johnny Cash, and why he was famous. Although teacher had already introduced him in class, it would be easy to know more about him by watching movie. I liked the end because it was touched. I believed that Johnny Cash’s life seemed very significant to himself. Today we had a quiz for this movie. I thought that I got all the questions correct. I didn’t fall into sleep or missed any part of the movie, so I knew all the questions. I just checked my veracross ten minutes ago, and I got 5.8 out of 5.0 because I also answer the bonus question correct. My average grade for this class was 87, but I hoped that I could get at least 90 before final. Therefore, I must get 90 or higher on the next quiz. Oh! Next week was the last week before winter break. I can’t wait for it!

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