Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Journal 58

     Why people are crazy about someone or something? The reason might because the person or thing is attractive that is also similar to stories. Some people like romantic story, but some prefer tragedy story. The supporters or fans of a story depend on its type. My story is simple and straight ford, so children who below the age of 10 might be my major audience. The whole characters in my story are children and some activities which are only for them. Teenagers might think that my story is not mature and childish because teenagers tend to read more romantic or deeper level stories than those of children. My audience can be both boys and girls. I do focus on children’s lives. Moreover, I think that teachers probably are parts of my major audience. It is easier for children to learn lessons through stories than to teach lessons from text books. For example, the lesson from “Little Red Riding Hood” and “Seven Little Sheep” is talking about that we can’t let strangers into our horses without parents’ permission. Children can understand the situation quickly and clearly by learning a lesson from a story. Therefore, I think that both children and teachers are the main audience of my story.

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