Monday, November 28, 2011

Journal 56

     I talked about the same story which I mentioned few weeks ago. I like to write a story and create settings, characters, plot elements, and dialogs for my own story. I always enjoy about the story which I made because I put all my creativities and imaginations to the story. However, I am not good at narrowing down a general idea to small details. I think that I haven’t prepared enough to write my story. My setting, characters, and plot elements are good, but I am not sure how to write vivid conversations for my characters. Sometimes when I put conversations into the story, I probably talk too many small details and make the audience feel bored. For example, I would focus on some tiny conversations which are not very important, but I worry that readers might not understand well if I don’t provide enough information. Therefore, I haven’t ready to share my story to other people yet. I create five parts of a plot-exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. I also make some details for each part of the plot. I think that I have idea for every plot, but I don’t know how to connect all of them into a story. The connection should be very clear or readers might get confused.

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