Thursday, November 24, 2011

Journal 54

     Yesterday and today were seniors’ busy days. We needed to print out school profile, transcript, recommendation letter, teacher evaluation form, counselor form, and certificate. Every single school needed each file, so I had to print out ten copies for all of them. I felt guilty when I printed these files because I cut lots of trees! I thought that I have already printed over one hundred pieces of paper. I applied twelve schools, but UC’s schools could be count in one. They shared the same online application, and I didn’t need to prepare an envelope for it because I would send it if I get into the school. I stayed at school until 7:40 p.m. yesterday. I got almost copies I needed and put them into envelopes. This was the process that I didn’t participate last year. It meant a lot to me. Although it was very tired to do these college application stuffs, I believed that I would miss this experience a lot in the future. I saw many students’ parents helped them to print files or write mailing address. My mother wouldn’t do this for me because she thought that this was my future. I had responsibility to handle all the stuffs.

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