Thursday, November 10, 2011

Journal 44

     All teachers sent the quarter report by the end of today. I thought that I got four As and two Bs. I tried my best to get straight As, but I didn’t make it. As a senior, GPA is extremely important to me. Majority of schools only need us to send the mid-year report, so I still have time to improve my grades. UC’s deadline is getting closer and closer. The supplement requires two essays, but I haven’t finished one of them. It might take me whole day to work on it. I plan to get this essay done by the end of this week. I have to take TOEFL on Saturday. I hope that I can get at least 95 on the test. I am so tired and busy this week that I really want to go to bed early, but I can’t. I have a chapter test for AP Human Geography tomorrow. It is about the study of languages that is very complex. I spend an hour to read through one section. I guess that I need to study it for three hours. There are ten schools on my college list. I want to add one or two safety schools because I am afraid that I can’t get into my rich and target schools.

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