Monday, November 14, 2011

Journal 46

     I divide the story into five parts. For the exposition: The beginning of a story where the characters are introduced and the setting is revealed. I briefly describe of the setting that where, what, who, and when happen at the beginning of the story. I also mention the main character’s personality in this part. Rising Action: This is where a problem arises and tension builds in the story. According to my story, all children who live in Heaven are carefree and play together after school. On the other hand, Lily is excluded by other children, but she doesn’t care about those bad words. She continues to create her artworks. Climax: The most interesting point and turning point of the story. The reader wants to know what happens next. Additionally, one day, a five-year-old girl falls into a pound. No one notices except Lily. She runs swiftly toward the pound and finds a long stick in order to pull the little girl out off the pound. Falling Action: The action that follows directly after the climax. This is where the problem begins unwinding. Until everyone knows that Lily saves a little girl in Heaven, Lily is treated differently. People change their views on how they think about Lily. Resolution: This is the end of the story where the problem us worked out. Finally, the little girl’s parents give Lily a big gift that they decide to let Lily live at their house and treat her as their daughter. Since then none of the people in Heaven excludes Lily any more.

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