Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Journal 53

     Everyone has different perspectives and point of views even to the same event. People tend to support the side which they believe and oppose the side which they disagree with. I don’t like to make any comment or judgment on anyone because that is just my own thought. I only share my point of view if it is necessary. Sometimes I don’t want to hurt any side’s view, so I usually stay neutral. It is clear to see my personality that I don’t like conflict. However, I also face some problems with this kind of attitude. For example, I don’t really know what I should do when two of my friends have a conflict. The most memorable one was happened two years ago. (A represent one of my friends and B represents the other one.) They had a conflict because A thought that B should share all her personal things to her because they were close friend. No one should keep any secret from each other. On the other hand, B felt that some personal stuff was able to share with friends but some were not. Both of them complained about each other to me, but I didn’t know I should believe in which side of point. That is why I only provide my point of view if needed.

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