Sunday, November 20, 2011

Journal 50

     I changed my UC essay topic again because I thought the original one didn’t really fit into the topic. I discussed with other people first, and then started to write a new one. In this essay, we needed to describe the worlds we come from and how our worlds have shaped our dreams and aspirations. The range of this topic was very broad. Some people wrote about their academic interests. On the other hand, some decided to write about how the things, other than academic. I chose the second one because I had a story to fit that one. We could focus on only one part from our family, community, or school. School, educational system, was the one I chose. I briefly talked about I have grown up in Taiwan with a highly competitive educational system, so academic standing seemed to be the most important part in students’ lives. However, I didn’t really stand out on my academic area since I was young. Compared to my unremarkable result of academics, field of dancing has created another outcome and another world for me. Later, I faced a big frustration in my dancing field. The failed experience hurt me a lot, but it has shaped my aspiration to dance passionately and confidently again no matter the dance style was difficult for me or not.

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