Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Journal 37

    I finally came out an idea that I am really passionate about it-yoga. I decide to use it for the common app short essay. The following paragraph is the second draft of the common app short essay. This topic is finally approved by Ms. Pamela. I hop that it will be finalized by the end of this week. Performing every movement slowly while inhaling, exhaling, and stretching in order to adjust my Autonomic Nervous System, I can give the muscles and tendons in my body a deep breath. In order to maintain a healthy condition, I began doing yoga since seventh grade. Stretching from my arms to fingers and from my legs to toes with regular respiration, I allow the fresh oxygen to quickly run through my whole body, and arouse me both mentally and physically. I follow these simple steps several times a week because they are able to release my daily pressures. Tendons form a big cable with many wires, from the upper part of the body to the lower part. Each yoga pose switches on a small wire, and causes the others to work for the cable. I realize that yoga is not just an exercise; it is means to heal my body and mind.

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