Sunday, October 30, 2011

Journal 35

     OMG……how’s my weekend? I was quite busy because midterm is coming soon. I have five midterm- two on Tuesday, two one Wednesday, and one on Friday. I finished the British Lit’s poster on Saturday, and I spent a lot of time on it because I really wanted to make it perfect. I also asked the student who took this class last year, and she gave me some comment about my idea. I did read the textbook and researched some information on the Internet in order to have enough details. I planned to study the midterm next week because I wanted to get the first draft of common app’s short essay done by the end of this week. This is the fourth time that I changed topic for this essay. The essay question asks us to elaborate an extracurricular activity which we participate. I should choose one which I enjoy a lot in it, and show my passion to the readers. I keep changing topic because I can’t get the feeling I want when I write the essay. Finally, I find that yoga is the best one. I spent 4 hours to finish it although it only requires 1000 characters. I hope that this idea would be approved soon.

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