Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Journal 23

      I was very tired today because I went to bed late last night. I wrote an essay in College Research Essay Writing. I wrote about my father. In my life, my father is one of the most influenced people. By writing about my father, I thought deeper about his personality, actions, and behaviors. I also looked at some pictures helping me to recall memories. I thought that I understood more about him after writing this essay. I found that when I used different angle of views to think about him, I could see him in many ways. People don’t define relationship in the same way. To me, relationship is an abstract connection between a person and me. Sometimes I feel that I have more than one type of relationship to a person who is closer to me. For example, my father is a teacher when I ask him homework, he is a friend when I share things with him, and he is just a father when I receive warmth from him. He, my lovely father, is not just a father. Actually he is a superman that he acts as different characters. To this essay, I think the easiest part is to elaborate the details; however, brainstorm is the hardest part. Next time when I write this type of essay, I will think more about the impact on me instead of focusing on the person I choose.

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