Sunday, October 16, 2011

Journal 25

     I went to Melissa’s house on Friday because we needed to do a project together. I went home first and grab the things I wanted and meet her at school. Her mother picked us up at around 18:00. After we ate dinner, Melissa and I started our project immediately after we went home. We found some short video and information about the tap dance, which was our topic. This project was due two weeks after, but we want to finish early because we would become busier. After we finished our project, we started to work on our college application essays. I roughly had ten essays to write. There were three main categories for our essays: significant, academic interest, and diversity. I already finished the significant one and now is working the academic interest one. I wanted to at least get my academic interest essay’s idea by the end of today. I finished homework on Saturday and worked on my college stuffs on Sunday. All senior had a meeting with Ms. Pamela on Sunday afternoon. She was very disappointed that only 15 students finalized their first long essay. She thought that our attitudes were bad and kept talking that we won’t survive in college in the future.

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