Sunday, October 2, 2011

Journal 15

     The SAT test in October was finally over! I knew that everyone wanted to ask me “How did you do on that test?” I would say that math sections were not very hard. I did all the questions except one question I left it blank and I hoped that this section was experimental one. For reading sections, I couldn’t say that I did a great job on this part, but at least I felt that I could understand majority passages except one or two which I didn’t really know. There were two writing sections. I thought that one of them was hard and the other one was easy. During the test, I did super fast on the last section which was the writing one. I could spot the error quickly. If I didn’t make any careless mistakes, I would probably gain at least 12 points. I was totally exhausted right after I took the test because I was headache. I didn’t sleep well at the night before the test. It was the third time that I couldn’t have a good sleep before taking SAT test. Although I kept telling myself that I shouldn’t be too nervous because I did prepare and worked so hard before the test, I was still very nervous. I hoped that I could get a better score this time.

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