Thursday, October 13, 2011

Journal 24

     She is like a girl, but doesn't behave like a girl. Her male friends are more than her female friends. Everytime I talk to her, our conversations are about sports instead of girl’s stuff. She has a pair of big eyes, long hair, and big nose. I like to make jokes about her nose, but in fact she is pretty. To boys, she is definitely a tom boy. Actually, she is very popular because she not only plays sports with boys but also shops with girls. The person who always knows what I’m thinking and makes life livelier is my junior high school;s best friend-Belle. Before I met her, I was pessimistic person. Each time when she knew that I was unhappy, she would always said “The situation won’t become better because of your depress.” This sentence really influenced me a lot. Of course, complaint and hopelessness do not help me at all, and then I would think more in positive way. Now as a senior, my pressure of college application is getting more and more. I have many works to do everyday, but I still remember “The situation won’t become better because of your depress”, so I don’t complain even I;m submerged by essays, tests, and pressures.

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