Monday, October 10, 2011

Journal 21

     I finally Skype with Jack Sung today. This was the first time we met on Skype. I wanted to go to bed at 24:00. I went to Taipei on Sunday and came back at around 21:30, so I want to go to bed early. I logged out when I finished my homework, but Jack said that he wanted to Skype with me. We Skype from 24:00 to 1:30. I thought that we hadn’t seen each other for a long time, so I spoke loudly and excitedly. My mother and father were disturbed by my voice. I turned off my computer right after my mother came to my room. In the morning, I continued the homework which I hadn’t finished. I spent majority of time searching my admission essay topics for each school. For some schools, I had to create account first and then was available to see the essay topic. I had to write around 10 essays, but I only finalized 2 of them. I had a weird homework for AP Human Geography that each group needed to prepare a debate which was about immigration. I thought that my topic was not difficult to prepare, but I was afraid how to debate with other groups tomorrow.

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