Monday, September 19, 2011

Journal 7

     In college research essay class, Mr. McCool asked us about self-discovery. He wanted us to write down how we think about it. To me, self-discovery can be defined from many angles. For instance, sometimes an author’s article makes me think about myself and recalls my memories. Those actions help me to think more about myself, so things from other people can inspire me a lot. I have taken both Chinese and English journals everyday since two years ago. I did take journal when I was young, but it was not continuous. I strongly believe that I can learn more about myself through take journal because it forces me to think deeper. Writing journals are like brainstorm and critical thinking. My journals are very simple that each of them is less than 20 words, but they still help me to reflect myself. My mother encourages me to write Chinese journals because she wants me to keep writing them to practice my Chinese. I have left local education system and joined American’s since four years ago. Writing Chinese journals does help me not to forget those words in Chinese. I will keep writing journals because they also help me release my emotions and reduces my pressures.

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