Sunday, September 11, 2011

Journal 1

     Majority people might think that it is time to relax on weekends. To me, weekends are the most busy days for the whole week. Sometimes I not only need to do my works but also have to participate family activities. For instance, one of my aunts got marry on Sunday, so most of my family members went to Taipei for her wedding party. Each time when I meet family members, I enjoy every moment to stay with them. During the wedding party, I met lots of people who I hadn't seen them for a long time. I remember that when I was young, I liked to spend time with my aunts because they all very kind and funny. As time pass on, everything is different. I would quickly ran to hug my aunts when I saw them. Now I am a teenager that I know I should behave like an adult. I can't still do some childish things. Although I really want to run to hug them, but I only can chat with them and tell them that I miss them so much in my mind. Sometimes I want to go back to my childhood that I can directly express my emotions to my aunts, but it's impossible.

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