Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Journal 13

     There were only four days left for the test on this Saturday. I went to bed early this week because I needed to get more energy. My emotion was kind of down today, but I didn't know why. I just felt some people were too expedient. They wouldn't care whether the things they did were sincere or not because they only cared about whether they got what they want or not. What kinds of people were good students? People who got over 2400 on SAT test, 120 on TOEFL test, 4.0 on GPA, and used some shamelessness ways to get what they want could be called as good students? Why some people would think that good students were only for high-academic people? Although some students didn't show their works in front of you, they did all the works what teacher told them to do. On the other hand, some students tried their best to flatter you and behaved very fake. Every person should get even chance because no one said that high-academic students could have more opportunities than any other students. I really didn't like people who thought they know you very well, but they, however, didn't understand you at all.

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