Sunday, September 25, 2011

Journal 11

     I felt the pressure was getting heavier. The pressures on tests were the heaviest, especially the results of those tests. I told myself that this was my second senior year, so there was no reason for me not to get good grades. I could tell that I improve my math and writing sections, but reading was very limited. It was hard to improve reading a lot in only one year. I wanted to get at least 450 on critical reading. Although this score goal might seem very low to many people, I could get a high total score if I really reach this score. I kept memorizing vocabularies everyday because I would forget them quickly if I didn’t review them daily. I could felt that my parents also worried about my situation, but they didn’t ask me. Maybe they didn’t want to put more pressures on me. I had a plan that I wanted to give my score report as a birthday gift to my mother in November. It would probably be one of her most meaningful present. She must be very happy when she a good grade on the report card and she would definitely proud of me. Go Pamela Chang! You can do it.

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