Monday, September 26, 2011

Journal 11

     I could get good grades on practice tests, but why I couldn't also get such good grades on real test. There were only five days left for the coming SAT Reasoning test. Majority people were nervous, but they still could show their potential on the real test while I couldn't. I didn’t do well on real tests was because I was too nervous. The universities wouldn't know this face. They just wanted to see our scores. I kept telling me that I must calm in order to see the key words for each question. The biggest problem was that I made lots of careless mistakes when I was too nervous. “Being too nervous won’t help me at all.” I thought that I should keep this sentence in my mind. I disappointed today’s score. I failed writing and math sections. I wasn't good at critical reading, so I needed to gain more points on the other two sections to balance my total score. Unfortunately, I failed my math and writing sections. I couldn't stop worrying because the REAL test is coming soon. Today’s test result would be very close to the one on this Saturday because today’s test was the real one in May 2011. There is another test tomorrow. I hope that I can do well on that test.

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