Thursday, September 15, 2011

Journal 5

     I’m so tired today because I went to bed late for two days. That’s a senior’s life. I did a writing section during my study hall. This was my second time to do this section because I did it in summer. I got a higher raw score than the previous tests. My writing’s raw score was finally over 40. That was a good news. I knew that I couldn’t get this kind of high score for each test. I think that the thing I should do now is to completely understand the wrong questions. It is very important to figure out the wrong questions. I hope that I will get this score on the real test. There was another thing happened today. After school, I went home by bus with Sharon Wu. The rain was becoming heavier and I forgot to bring my umbrella. I called my mother to pick me up, but she was in the down town. If I still walked home without having an umbrella, I must wet by the rain, so I decided to stay at Sharon’s house for a while. I just knew that Sharon’s house was near my English cram school when I was in elementary school. About thirty minutes later, my mother came and drive me home.

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