Monday, September 12, 2011

Journal 2

     Today is Moon Festival! Chinese people have BBQ with family or friends and eat moon cake with the full moon in the sky at night. I have eaten a lot of moon cake since last weeks. Sometimes my dad received some moon cake from his friends, so that’s why I have a lot to eat. Although I didn't have BBQ this year, I still enjoyed time staying with my family. I also bought a new book today. Actually it’s not a real book that it’s a “Journal.” This journal book is written by Rachel Renee Russell. The author creates a story by writing journals. I bought this book not because I have to write journal for British Lit class, but because I can learn some American cultures and daily use of English from this book. There are vocabulary lists on each page, so I can also learn some new terms. The main reason to buy this book is that I want to improve my reading skill. Sometimes I can’t finish reading on time during the test, but I understand what the story is talking about if I have extra time. There are no challenge stuffs and knowledge inside the book, however, I can practice my reading’s speed. My goal is to finish the book by the end of this week.

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