Sunday, September 18, 2011

Journal 6

     I didn’t go anywhere this weekend, however, I stayed at home because there are only 12 days left for SAT Reasoning Test. I tried to finish my homework before Sunday evening that I could have more time to study SAT. My biggest hope is that I won’t have any careless mistake on the test and at least get 1800. I really don’t want to take the test in December because I will very busy in that month, and I need to take TOEFL and SAT subject tests in November. After these heavy works, I can relax a little bit. I really want to get 1800 on my SAT Test! I believe that I will make it. My grandmother came to my house on Saturday. Her coming helped to moderate my pressure. I always felt warm and comfortable when I spent time with my family. Sometimes something bad happened to me, but I would feel better when I see my family members. It was important to have a good relationship with your parents. Beside friends and lover, or other non-family members, parents were the biggest support to us. Not everyone felt comfortable to share things with parents, but at least you had their supports which were forever.

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