Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Journal 4

     OMG!!! I have a lot of homework today. I can’t go to bed before 1 a.m. Maybe I should say something good to let me forget my pressure of the homework. What day is today? Today is ……Melissa’s seventeen-year-old birthday. I wrote her a birthday card yesterday night. I was thinking that I should give her this card in the morning when I saw her or gave her during the lunch time. Ariel and Irene gave her a cute crab balloon before Melissa walked into homeroom, so I decided to give Melissa her birthday card. I was so embarrassed while she was reading the card because I wrote “Finally 18.” Actually, it should be her seventeenth years old birthday. I didn’t believe it when Melissa told me I was wrong because I thought that she make a joke on me, but Maxine said “Really, it’s her seventeenth years old birthday” then I knew that I was wrong. Melissa kept laughing at me and I was so embarrassed. I didn't have to time to buy her a gift. Maybe I will give her few weeks later. After my friends, Caroline, Rachel, Jack S, Enya, and Esther, graduated from PAS, Melissa is one of my best friends who I can trust. Again……HAPPY BIRTHDAY Melissa!!!!!

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