Thursday, January 12, 2012

Journal 87

     Wow! I finally finished all the finals exams. I got ten chapters for Environmental Science’s test. Actually, I had three final exams on this Tuesday, including Environmental Science class. I spent too much time preparing for other two exams, so I didn’t go through all the chapters for Environmental Science. I was afraid I couldn’t get a good grade on that exam. When the class was started, Mr. Smart asked seniors to take the test at the other classroom. There were only two seniors in this class, Karen and I. We found an empty classroom and took the test. The test was easier than I thought. I got 90 on this test. The score was lower than the one that I expected. I wanted to get at least 95 on this exam. Two seniors came to PAS after school, so I spent time to stay with them. Their breaks were going to be end soon. I went to buy some drinks with three of my friends. Later, we ate dinner together. I was so happy to see my friends. During this winter break, I really had a good time with them. Most of them are going back to States next week.

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