Sunday, January 8, 2012

Journal 85

     I went to KTV with my friends and some girls’ basketball members at Hsinchu downtown. I haven’t gone to KTV until this Friday. Esther invited me to this KTV last this Tuesday. She also invited some of my other friends. The person who formed this group was one of the girls’ basketball members. Originally, she only wanted to invite girls’ basketball members, but Esther didn’t know that. That was why Esther invited so many people who were not members of girls’ basketball. I went to the KTV because my friends were gonna back to the U.S. and Canada soon. We had a lot of fun on Friday. I sang more than ten songs. This was the first time that I sang so many songs at KTV. I thought that I was not good at singing, so I was afraid to sing in front of many people. Overall, I love my friends very much. On Saturday, I didn’t go anywhere. I stayed at home to study final and watch TV a little bit. It was just a little bit. My uncle, who was my mother’s younger brother, came to my house on Saturday evening. We had dinner together. My cousins were so cute.

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