Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Journal 82

     I was very happy today not only because my friends came to PAS but also because we had dinner together. How excited it was! This week is final week, so I had to study for the final. Although I was busy, I still spent time with my friends. They were very important to me. Some of them will go back to US this week; some of them will go back on next week. They were all leaving me soon. I just received an e-mail from Ms. Pamela that she reminded seniors’ mid-year report is extremely important. We must keep our grades or it would hurt us a lot. I worried about my grade because some of them didn’t look good now. After school, I chatted and hung out with my friends. We really had a good time with them though there were only four hours. During the lunch, we kept making jokes on Esther. It was very fun to do that. However, I also got a bad news during this time. One of my junior friends will leave PAS three weeks after. I was so sad to hear this news. I didn’t know her very much, but she is important to me now.

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