Monday, January 9, 2012

Journal 86

     Today isn’t my day. I took British Literature final and I didn’t think that I did a good job. There were some questions that I wasn’t sure. Although the multiple choice question of Macbeth focused more on Act I and II, I still review and read summary of the rest parts yesterday. I thought that the questions about Macbeth were not as hard as I thought. However, questions of other poetry were harder. When the test was started, I did the vocabulary first because I was afraid that I might run out of time later. I must get full points for vocabulary. There were some bonus questions on the last page of the answer sheet. I did prepare for the bonus question, but I didn’t have time to do the bonus questions. I guessed that the whole point of the test was around 200. I wanted to get at least 170 out of 200. Another thing which caused my in a bad moon was my Adobe Photoshop’s grade. I just check my veracross and it showed that one of my projects was not turned in. I was hundred percent sure that I asked teacher to see my project before due day. Maybe the teacher forgot about it. I will go tell him tomorrow and gain my points back.

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