Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Journal 83

     I was glad about my brother. I couldn’t believe when I heard the news about him. It was so surprised. OMG! I had final this and next weeks. The one I worried the most was British Literature because it contained lots of things. Although most of them were from textbook, I still worried that I might miss some parts. I reviewed it during the winter break too, but I didn’t spend much time on it. I planned to spend at least three hours to study for it. This time we didn’t have bonus points, so I must make sure that I understood the stuff from the textbook. This final was extremely to me. I really wanted to boost all my grades at least B+ and A-. In this morning, the temperature was about 19, but the weather suddenly turned to 11 after school. Sometimes I didn’t seem to trust other people easily. On the other hand, I was too easily to trust what I heard from other people. I didn’t know what was right and what was wrong. I told myself that I should trust myself, but I also affected by other people’s opinions. It was hard for me not to affect by other people.

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