Thursday, January 5, 2012

Journal 84

     I was very tired today because I studied final until 1:30 a.m. I had a quiz for History of American Music class and one test for British Literature. The test materials for British Literature contained many parts. I wasn’t sure which parts would be test today and which parts would be test on next Monday, so I studied almost all of them. I thought I did okay on today’s test because I did cover all the questions on the test except the sonnet part, which was not from the textbook. Our English final were divided into two days. One was today; the other one was on next Monday. Today’s essay part was counted around 35% out of the total grade. We had another 160 multiple choice questions next week that was counted around 65% out of the total grade. If I could, I really wanted to get at least 90% on this test. I believed that if I did get 90%, my overall grade must be at least A- that was my goal. I hoped that my grade was higher than the midterm one. Yesterday and today were very cold. It was hard to get up from the bed during the winters. I wanted to sleep on weekends.

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