Thursday, January 12, 2012

Journal 87

     Wow! I finally finished all the finals exams. I got ten chapters for Environmental Science’s test. Actually, I had three final exams on this Tuesday, including Environmental Science class. I spent too much time preparing for other two exams, so I didn’t go through all the chapters for Environmental Science. I was afraid I couldn’t get a good grade on that exam. When the class was started, Mr. Smart asked seniors to take the test at the other classroom. There were only two seniors in this class, Karen and I. We found an empty classroom and took the test. The test was easier than I thought. I got 90 on this test. The score was lower than the one that I expected. I wanted to get at least 95 on this exam. Two seniors came to PAS after school, so I spent time to stay with them. Their breaks were going to be end soon. I went to buy some drinks with three of my friends. Later, we ate dinner together. I was so happy to see my friends. During this winter break, I really had a good time with them. Most of them are going back to States next week.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Journal 86

     Today isn’t my day. I took British Literature final and I didn’t think that I did a good job. There were some questions that I wasn’t sure. Although the multiple choice question of Macbeth focused more on Act I and II, I still review and read summary of the rest parts yesterday. I thought that the questions about Macbeth were not as hard as I thought. However, questions of other poetry were harder. When the test was started, I did the vocabulary first because I was afraid that I might run out of time later. I must get full points for vocabulary. There were some bonus questions on the last page of the answer sheet. I did prepare for the bonus question, but I didn’t have time to do the bonus questions. I guessed that the whole point of the test was around 200. I wanted to get at least 170 out of 200. Another thing which caused my in a bad moon was my Adobe Photoshop’s grade. I just check my veracross and it showed that one of my projects was not turned in. I was hundred percent sure that I asked teacher to see my project before due day. Maybe the teacher forgot about it. I will go tell him tomorrow and gain my points back.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Journal 85

     I went to KTV with my friends and some girls’ basketball members at Hsinchu downtown. I haven’t gone to KTV until this Friday. Esther invited me to this KTV last this Tuesday. She also invited some of my other friends. The person who formed this group was one of the girls’ basketball members. Originally, she only wanted to invite girls’ basketball members, but Esther didn’t know that. That was why Esther invited so many people who were not members of girls’ basketball. I went to the KTV because my friends were gonna back to the U.S. and Canada soon. We had a lot of fun on Friday. I sang more than ten songs. This was the first time that I sang so many songs at KTV. I thought that I was not good at singing, so I was afraid to sing in front of many people. Overall, I love my friends very much. On Saturday, I didn’t go anywhere. I stayed at home to study final and watch TV a little bit. It was just a little bit. My uncle, who was my mother’s younger brother, came to my house on Saturday evening. We had dinner together. My cousins were so cute.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Journal 84

     I was very tired today because I studied final until 1:30 a.m. I had a quiz for History of American Music class and one test for British Literature. The test materials for British Literature contained many parts. I wasn’t sure which parts would be test today and which parts would be test on next Monday, so I studied almost all of them. I thought I did okay on today’s test because I did cover all the questions on the test except the sonnet part, which was not from the textbook. Our English final were divided into two days. One was today; the other one was on next Monday. Today’s essay part was counted around 35% out of the total grade. We had another 160 multiple choice questions next week that was counted around 65% out of the total grade. If I could, I really wanted to get at least 90% on this test. I believed that if I did get 90%, my overall grade must be at least A- that was my goal. I hoped that my grade was higher than the midterm one. Yesterday and today were very cold. It was hard to get up from the bed during the winters. I wanted to sleep on weekends.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Journal 83

     I was glad about my brother. I couldn’t believe when I heard the news about him. It was so surprised. OMG! I had final this and next weeks. The one I worried the most was British Literature because it contained lots of things. Although most of them were from textbook, I still worried that I might miss some parts. I reviewed it during the winter break too, but I didn’t spend much time on it. I planned to spend at least three hours to study for it. This time we didn’t have bonus points, so I must make sure that I understood the stuff from the textbook. This final was extremely to me. I really wanted to boost all my grades at least B+ and A-. In this morning, the temperature was about 19, but the weather suddenly turned to 11 after school. Sometimes I didn’t seem to trust other people easily. On the other hand, I was too easily to trust what I heard from other people. I didn’t know what was right and what was wrong. I told myself that I should trust myself, but I also affected by other people’s opinions. It was hard for me not to affect by other people.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Journal 82

     I was very happy today not only because my friends came to PAS but also because we had dinner together. How excited it was! This week is final week, so I had to study for the final. Although I was busy, I still spent time with my friends. They were very important to me. Some of them will go back to US this week; some of them will go back on next week. They were all leaving me soon. I just received an e-mail from Ms. Pamela that she reminded seniors’ mid-year report is extremely important. We must keep our grades or it would hurt us a lot. I worried about my grade because some of them didn’t look good now. After school, I chatted and hung out with my friends. We really had a good time with them though there were only four hours. During the lunch, we kept making jokes on Esther. It was very fun to do that. However, I also got a bad news during this time. One of my junior friends will leave PAS three weeks after. I was so sad to hear this news. I didn’t know her very much, but she is important to me now.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Journal 81

     During my Christmas break, I went to Hong Kong for three days. My parents asked me about whether I could go with them or nor two months ago. I really wanted to go with them because I knew that I might have less time to stay with my family after I go to college. Therefore, I tried my best to finish my college applications before the winter break. I did want to cherish the time I had to stay with my family. I thought that I ate too much during the break. My mother told me that I looked fatter. It was hard to stop eating in winters. When weather was getting cold, people would eat more in order to keep their bodies warm. The things I wanted to do during the break were spending time with family, hanging out with my friends, and reviewing final stuff. I did do these three things, but I thought that I didn’t spend much time on final because I chose to spend time with family and friends and entertainments. I watched movies with my friends, who were from last year’s seniors, and my family. A person, who knew me very well, was the one I met two years ago. We haven’t talked to each other for a long time until this winter break.